Services » Clinical Activities
The University Center has created an Interdisciplinary Unit, whose participants are united by the interest on the assessment of disabled people and its inclusion (or replacement) within society. The group stems from the awareness that problems of the disabled people should be analyzed in detail, using the expertise of trained specialists for this purpose, and integrating the finding in each area in a synthesis carried out by an interdisciplinary team. The evaluation thus concluded leads to the formulation of a project more specific and, at the same time, more integrated and anchored to the reality of the individual with a disability.
The clinical unit is thus formed by:
a. Neurocognitive assessment and intervention on disability
Neuropsychological assessments for:
- Assessing cognitive disabilities
- Evaluate potential for recovery
- Neurocognitive rehabilitation for recovery and return to work
Scientific supervision and coordinator:
Dr. T.M. Sgaramella (Ph.D. in Psychology, Psychologist expert in neuropsychology and cognitive disabilities, Certificated Psychologist; FISPPA Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology Department)
b. Psycho-social assessment and intervention on disability
- Assessing psycho-social difficulties
- Evaluating psycho-social and work inclusion
Scientific supervision:
Prof. S. Soresi (FISPPA Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology Department; Certificated Psychologist)
Clinical coordinator and consultant:
Prof. L. Nota (FISPPA Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology Department; Certificated Psychologist)