Statute - General Overview
The University Center for Disability, Rehabilitation and Inclusion was created in 1994 by eight different departments and services of the University of Padova with the purpose of facilitating, promoting and coordinating supports for the full participation of disabled students to university life and, afterwards, for their job search and maintenance.
In order to do this, research studies are also promoted with national and international researchers, institutions and associations interested in the reduction, prevention and rehabilitation of impairment and disability. Several initiatives are undertaken in order to disseminate results of research studies including post graduate courses, conferences and workshops.
The Italian Journal of Disability is the official journal of the center, aimed at stimulating scientific debate on assessment, treatment and integration of people with impairments and disabilities by publishing the work of national and international researchers, scholars and professionals.
Several research and clinical projects have been development with regional services and with international research networks on the assessment aimed at vocational guidance of people with disabilities or at risk of disabilities and on socio-cognitive rehabilitation. A special attention is devoted to the spread of a new culture of disability and of good practice in the assessment and intervention.
- Department of Electronics and Informatics;
- Department of Education;
- Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialization;
- Department of General Psychology;
- Department of Sociology;
- Department of Pediatry;
- Institute of Othorinolaryngology Clinic;
From the statute
The goals of the Center are:
- to facilitate the full participation of disabled students to university life by proposing to University referents initiatives aimed at ensuring them the right to education/study;
- to promote and coordinate support activities to be carried out/realized within individual faculties /schools, departments and institutes in order to ensure students with disabilities a full realization of educational goals;
- to collaborate with other Services of the University (Services for counseling, guidance and mentoring, etc..), with other Italian and foreign universities, with associations, agencies and services concerned with the reduction of impairment and disability;
- to provide Faculties, Departments and Institutes of the University, the necessary assistance for the study of initiatives, for the organization of voluntary activities, part-time, etc..;
- to promote, coordinate and develop studies and research aimed at the reduction, prevention andrehabilitation of impairment and disability;
- to implement initiatives for disseminating, within and outside the University, the culture of solidarity and inclusion first, by tackling the problems associated to university attendance and, later, facilitating research and maintaining a work;
- to implement initiatives to disseminate the results of research undertaken on the rehabilitation and inclusion, such as seminars, conferences, schools of specialization, courses and so on;
- to contribute to the spread of a new culture of disability.